Running Workflows
The workflow details page shows information about past executions of a workflow. It also shows the sequence of steps.
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The workflow details page shows information about past executions of a workflow. It also shows the sequence of steps.
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In the Workflows pane, you will see all of your defined workflows. If a workflow has yet to be run, that will be explicitly stated accompanied by a workflow where each step has no status.
You can run workflows from this view by clicking the play button in the corner of a workflow.
Clicking the workflow will take you to the workflow details page. You can also run the workflow from this page.
However you choose to run the workflow, doing so will create a new workflow run whose progress can be viewed either from the Workflows pane or from the workflow details page. When the workflow is finished executing, it will be shown in a success state.
You can view information about a particular run using the select in the top left.
Each step will be colored a green color indicating its success. Other colors indicate other information. Read more about step statuses in the reference.