Workflow Run Action

Automate the execution of workflows with the Workflow Run action

This action is responsible for triggering the execution of a workflow in your workspace. This way, you can automate the execution of your workflows within existing CI pipelines.


To authenticate with Chassy API you need to supply an authentication token. Please consult our documentation on how to Generate Chassy Tokens. The GitHub action consumes this value from an environment variable called CHASSY_TOKEN. Ideally, this secret information is stored within a GitHub action secret (see GitHub Documentation) and can then be referenced within your workflows as follows:

    CHASSY_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.CHASSY_TOKEN }}

With this token provided, you can continue with configuration.


There are three configuration options for this workflow. Only workflowId is required. These configurations are all to be made within the with block in your actions YAML file.

Workflow Id

The provided workflowId specifies which workflow you wish to run. It is required for the action to function.


The optional sync boolean parameter (defaults to true) allows you to decide whether you want the action to await the completion of your workflow's execution before the action is complete. Turning this off will mean that your workflow isn't checked for successful execution.


The optional parameters parameter is a JSON-encoded catch-all for any user-defined data for workflow execution.


In the example below, our workflow will be executed synchronously with no custom parameters. Afterward, the results will be printed to standard out.

  name: Example Action
  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    CHASSY_TOKEN: <my token>
    - name: Run a workflow
      id: workflow-run
      uses: chassyflow/actions-workflow-run@v1.2.0
        workflowId: '<some workflow id>'
    - name: Print Workflow Output
      id: output
      run: echo "${{ steps.workflow-run.outputs.workflowexecution }}"


The source code for this action can be found in the official GitHub repository.

Last updated